Footwear - Leather - PPE Industry News & Articles
- Evolving to survive: Suggestions for retailersThere was a time, not too long ago, when footwear retailers, wholesalers, importers and manufacturers around the globe could rely on the certainty that their specific skills would see them through for time to come. Market forces were relatively simple and could be dealt with effectively. ...moreOne of Covid's winnersSpurred by the unlikely combination of athleisure and lockdowns, comfort footwear has become a category for every brand. Comfort footwear, comfortable footwear, wellness footwear, health footwear - different names and shades of meaning - but until fairly recently, in South Africa, mostly footwear for one category of end consumer, dominated by a few brands and a few specialist retailers.rn ...moreTexon reboots 80s product as 'vegan friendly' materialTexon has seen a significant uplift in interest in its paper-based Texon Vogue material over the last 5 years, which it attributes, in part, to the increasing number of people becoming vegan. Around the world a growing number of people are adopting plant-based diets. The United Nations estimated that in September 2020 there were around 78 ...moreKim-G secures first export orderKimberley, N. Cape, SA - S&V has Kim-G Leather Sandals, making 50 pairs/week, listed as a crafter in the Directory. We may have to change that. Opened 2 years ago by former Durbanite Gerry du Toit as a retirement project, Kim-G has just dispatched its first export order to Australia. "The owner of the orthopaedi ...moreTexon 'significantly increases sustainable content' of Sportflex box toe puff materialSkelton, UK (February 02, 2021) - Following a project with one of the world’s leading sports brands, Texon has reengineered one of its most popular box toe puff materials for the footwear industry to include more sustainable content. Collaborating across its supply chain to source more sustainable materials, Texon has increased the ...moreLooking back: Sam Wells: From telephones to tanning - all in a lifetime's workBoksburg, Gauteng, SA - I immigrated to South Africa in 1974 to take up employment with Plessey SA, upgrading and automating telephone exchanges. In 1981 I was deployed to the Natal north coast to install at Paradise Valley (Pinetown), Salt Rock, Ballito, Verulam and Stamford Hill (Durban). This is when we met Lionel Astill, M ...moreZaCFA expects croc tannery to be running by year endLusaka, Zambia (February 12, 2021) – The Zambia Crocodile Farmers Association (ZaCFA) "is quietly confident" that the industry has turned around following the removal of the 10% export duty imposed on raw crocodile skins in the 2021 Budget, according to association spokesperson and Kalimba Farms chairman Bill Thomas. Altho ...moreZambezi gearing up for whole hide upholstery leather productionNot much good news due to the lockdowns which have seriously affected the markets locally and internationally. However optimism prevails at Zambezi Tanners, which is re-equipping for full bovine hide production. This is in line with the ongoing demand for upholstery leather, which is currently being imported. A Zimbabwean leather furnitur ...moreAfritan plans increase in footwear productionBujumbura, Burundi - Tannery and finished goods manufacturer Afritan plans to increase its manufacturing to 500 pairs/day "in the near future", director Bède Bedetse said. He said the tannery was working well below capacity, and that a second, smaller tannery in the country is currently closed. "We have c ...moreMachine maintenanceMachines or equipment that is not maintained (or looked after) will not last long. A machine or equipment that must be replaced often adds unnecessary expense to the business, contributes to end of life waste, and drives consumption demand. Energy efficiency and sources of contamination are what hurt the tannery even more, however – ...moreBuckman price increasesMemphis, Tenn., USA (February 02, 2021) – Buckman, a privately-held global company specializing in innovative chemistry and smart solutions, announced global price increases of 8 to 25% for all product offerings. The price increases became effective immediately. Recent increases in the price of raw materials, in addition to ri ...moreIULTCS announces two new Testing Commission convenorsKettering, UK (February 21,2021) - At the recent virtual meeting of the IULTCS leather test method commissions, 2 of the 3 convenors were replaced -The IUP (Physical) and IUF (Fastness) Commissions have new convenors: Jacqueline Glasspool was appointed as the new convenor of the IUP Commission (and also of the Working Group 2 (WG2) o ...moreWinners of 2021 IUR research grants announcedKettering, UK (February 22, 2021) - The executive committee of the IULTCS is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 IUR research grants to be awarded to 2 young scientists, under the age of 35. The monetary awards help support the work of young talent in the leather sector. This is the seventh year of the grants which have been gener ...moreStitchdowns: Strassbergers: Anchored in its core marketHow long will stitchdowns be a fashion item this time around?I expect stitchdowns (vellies) to stay in the agricultural market forever. You would, however, have to be very creative in 5 years’ time to still ride the current wave in the malls of SA and the overseas market. Vellies will always be part of “Die Boer” and his ...moreStitchdowns: Bolton Footwear: So much potential stillHow long will stitchdowns be a fashion item this time around? It’s hard to predict but I believe stitchdowns current popularity will continue for many more seasons, especially locally due to price and the versatility of the traditional Veldschoen silhouette. Fashion fluctuates depending on the times so the Vellie demand w ...moreStitchdowns: It may be time to be a bit wary of overtradingHow long will stitchdowns be a fashion item this time around?Normally the product life cycle follows a pattern which, towards the tail end, attracts many rats and mice or so-called fly-by-nights. We have an increasing number of the afore-mentioned, which usually precipitates a fall off of business as the category becomes cheapened and hea ...moreStitchdowns: Veldskoen: It's all about making an age-old style trendyHow long will stitchdowns be a fashion item this time around?We would like to see this carry on of course for a long time to come, and we are always looking at new designs and concepts as well, but we also need to focus on growing our brand internationally, and you can’t just release new leathers and designs all the time, it takes t ...moreStitchdowns: The Veldskoen PhenomenonThe name is derived from the Afrikaans vel, later assimilated with veld, and skoene. They were first made by the Dutch settlers in the mid-17th century. The design is believed to be based on the traditional Khoisan footwear observed by these settlers. The footwear was later embedded into the South African cultural psyche, the rest is hist ...moreStitchdowns: It's been a great ride - can it continue?Stitchdowns have been riding a global wave for several years now. What makes that special for the southern African footwear industry is that a) it's an evergreen item for a core (and not insignificant) customer group and b), it's a construction that has been made locally since - well forever, really - meaning they have a realistic o ...moreDispelling myths: An introduction to Bullet Resistant VestsAs in nature, but much, much more quickly, protective garments have to constantly evolve with changing threats. This is the first in a series of articles on bullet resistant vests by Deon du Plessis, MD of Bullet Proofing Technology (Pty) Ltd, which manufactures a wide range of body armour plates and vehicle armour, and supplies a number of other bullet resistant vest manufacturers. ...more© S&V Publications