Footwear - Leather - PPE Industry News & Articles
- Rugby legend gives Zambian-made Kaleza boots the thumbs upLusaka, Zambia – Former England Rugby Union International and World Cup winner Jason Leonard has been knocked sideways by the quality of locally produced Kaleza football boots. The popular Z-12 boots made by Zambeef division Zamleather are already scoring hits with players across the country. Now they have caught the attention of th ...moreTexon highlights sustainability in new products and key appointmentHong Kong – Texon has launched 2 new products where environmental considerations are a key factor. Texon describes itself as "a market leader in the development of eco-friendly, structural materials for the global footwear industry". It manufactures insole, toe puff and heel counter materials. In July, it launched Texon Vu ...moreGet involved in devising standards - SABS tells manufacturers ahead of African free tradeThe South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) and the Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the side-lines of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) week 2019 to formalise their commitment to collaborate on all standards related matters, including standards development and recognising South Africa as an inspection services provider for the implementation of the Botswana Standards (import inspection) regulations. ...moreTough year, but some good signs for 2020Sans Singh, MD, FQ Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd t/a FST Manufacturers. Manufacturer of webbing & tapes, zips, elastic shoelace & cord, trims and distributor of fabric, hook & loop tape, metal & plastic trims.Durban, KZN, SA - By comparison with last year, the number of orders have reduced, and quantities on the orders are signi ...moreConcern that there are no orders for 2020Saeed Bux, MD, Elahi Footwear (Pty) Ltd. Moccasin and stitchdown footwear manufacturer.Durban, KZN, SA - Our turnover is significantly down. We're affected the same as everyone else by the fact that consumers have no money. Added to that is that industrial relations are difficult. We're keeping our prices as low as possible and our margin ...moreThe DTI's Master Plan: Chains, manufacturers, labour and government 'must work together'7-point plan to grow local manufacturing<br>A final version of the DTI-sponsored 'R-CTFL Value Chain Master Plan to 2030' is nearing completion, according to Dr Jaywant Irkhede, director: leather & footwear at the DTI. Drawn up by Dr Justin Barnes of B&M Analysts for the DTI, the objectives are to, "by 2030, grow R-CTFL ...moreThe year in footwear, so farReports primarily about the US market by analytical company NPD.It’s been tough going for footwear (and for retail in general) in 2019. Adjusted for the extra week in January 2018, U.S. Footwear dollar sales are down -1% year-to-date through May, after growth of +8% year-to-date last year*. Business continues to shift away from majo ...moreA-OSH, new forums dominate discussionSAPEMA KZN Regional Meeting, October 2Durban, KZN, SA - Foreign exhibitors at A-OSH were a major topic at SAPEMA's KZN regional meeting. Chaired by Clyde Beattie of Uvex, who is also SAPEMA's national vice-chairman, just 5 people, representing 4 of SAPEMA's 16 KZN members, attended. A-OSH SAPEMA is in discussions with Specialise ...moreFire protection services companies prosecuted for cartel conductPretoria, Gauteng, SA (September 15, 2019) - The Commission has referred to the Competition Tribunal (Tribunal) for prosecution 18 fire protection companies for collusion. These companies are Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau (Pty) Ltd, Belfa Solutions (Pty) Ltd, Bhubesi Fire Projects (Pty) Ltd, Centa KZN Sprinklers Cc, Na ...moreNRCS seeks to regulate all categories of PPE: 'No new levies imminent'Pretoria, Gauteng, SA - The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) has confirmed that it is "looking at the regulation of PPE as a whole", but it says that it is a process that will take time. "We will be having a lot of consultations with industry and key stakeholders," said Thomas Madzivhe, GM: ...moreCompliant PPE vs PriceBeing responsible for ensuring that your work force has the correct and sufficient protection when it comes to PPE, can carry some serious weight, the reason being that you have your employee’s safety on one hand and the company's bottom line and PPE spend on the other. Balancing these two important factors has huge implicatio ...moreOpinion Piece: Unmanned breathalysers safeguard security personnel from the threat of retaliatory violenceCompulsory alcohol testing is often put into place in hazardous industries such as mining, manufacturing and transport as a safety measure. However, there are certain challenges with the typical approach of using a manned breathalyser. Security personnel administering the tests often live in the same communities as the workers they are be ...moreBayer launches a new tool in the fight against malariaJohannesburg, Gauteng, SA – With nearly half of the world’s population at risk of contracting malaria, primarily in sub Saharan Africa, stepping up the fight against the disease has never been a more pressing challenge. Bayer is rising to this challenge as it launches a new Indoor Residual Spray (IRS), Fludora® Fusion whic ...moreMonitor water levels and flows from mobilesJohannesburg, Gauteng, SA - A new water monitoring station that measures levels, flows, flumes and stage discharge via cloud networks has been launched to assist in the mitigation of the effects of floodwaters, stormwater, and protect against compromised irrigation systems. Distributed by local technology integrator, Euca Technologi ...moreWork at heights cultureLeading edges, sharp edges, hot works & chemicals, UVAs a subject which is not solely found in Work at Heights, creating a ‘Safety Culture’ is one of the trickiest factors to handle. As this is a Work at Heights article we will use Fall Protection as examples. We often find ourselves providing clients with reports of their ...moreAI detects anomalies: Preventing manipulation in automated face recognitionThe Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organization for applied research in Europe. Its research activities are conducted by 72 institutes and research units at locations throughout Germany. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft employs a staff of more than 26,600, who work with an annual research budget totaling 2.6 billion euros. Of this sum, 2.2 billion euros is generated through contract research. Around 70 percent of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s contract research revenue is derived from contracts with industry and from publicly financed research projects. International collaborations with excellent research partners and innovative companies around the world ensure direct access to regions of the greatest importance to present and future scientific progress and economic development. ...moreSisi unveils Fall Arrest System for womenExtending its commitment and support to women in industry, Sisi unveils a new product range – fall arrest systems for women working at heights.Pinetown, KZN, SA - Sisi Safety Wear has taken yet another step in its effort to support women working in industry by unveiling a range of fall arrest systems (harnesses with permanently atta ...moreProFit Safety Footwear remains very optimistic about South Africa’s futureBoksburg, Gauteng, SA - Regardless of whether you speak to retailers, wholesalers, end users or even manufacturers across all industrial sectors, at one time or another over the last 10 months – they’ve stated that it’s been a very rough-and-tough year of trading. A few patches of good business have made up for the quiet ...moreInfluencing up: The younger generation's impact on sustainable fashionLike many of you, I’ve been inspired by the Global Climate Strike movement led by 16-year-old Greta Thunberg. As awestruck as I am with her, I can’t help but think what was I doing at 16-years-old to help mankind? At that age, the only time I really thought about the climate is if it was too humid and my hair would frizz ...moreImportant step towards European warning system: European Commission launches warning appMunich, Germany (September 12, 2019) - EU Commission staff will soon be receiving location-based danger alerts on their mobile phones from an app that calls their attention to potential hazards such as a building fire, a suspicious package or the threat of an attack. Called EUWARN, this new warning system was launched in Brussels on Septe ...more© S&V Publications