Leather Industry Articles
- SA hides, skins, and leather trade statistics for June 2023Pretoria, Gauteng, SA (31 July 2023) – Source: SARS.Including Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho and Namibia (BELN)Cumulative tradeTrade balance R'm (101 582 416)Ratio (exports/imports) 0.95Monthly tradeTrade balance R'm (41 799 770)Ratio (exports/imports) 0.89ExportsMonth % of total 0.21Cumulative 2022 (R'm) 1 964&nbs ...moreUK trophy ban still being debated1. Feedback on the Controversial UK TROPHY BAN.Despite much publicity, and input from various African Governments, NGOs and scientists, the House of Commons approved the Trophy Ban bill, but it still needed the approval from the House of Lords. Two amendments were added before passing the Commons: (1) limits the ban to CITES listed ...moreSecond generation Cr-freeSecond generation chrome-free has just arrived, and already we know what a key component of the third generation will be. ...moreTanzanian visit to be followed by visits to other African countriesThis month saw SLF launch a new campaign “Are You Ready” to help the leather industry prepare for the incoming regulations and directives that will have a significant impact on our sector.It is crucial that all stakeholders understand what the new legislation means, how it will affect their business and how they can prepare no ...moreSustainable Leather Foundation: Work Begins in the SADC…In June, as part of the recently awarded contract to support sustainability improvement of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) under the SIPS Project, SLF travelled to Tanzania to participate in two workshops on the 6th June and the 8th June. The first workshop, held in the capital, Dodoma, was attended by 45 representative ...moreA very talented man who tried his hand at many things, some successfully, some not, but he did live a full lifeObituary: Peter Howard – King Tanning, Pelts Products, and others (01/06/1947-26/07/2022) ...moreSam Setter's 'Pills': Pitti Uomo in FlorenceOn 13-16 June the fashion industry celebrated Pitti Uomo in Florence. The event was very well attended and the newspapers, as well as the city hall of Florence, heralded the attendance of so-called VIPs as a huge success. Indeed, people like Leonardo Di Caprio, Dua Lipa, George Clooney were among the visitors. They, like their peers, very ...moreStitched leather seat exports were up in most markets last yearPretoria, Gauteng, SA – Automotive Business Council (NAAMSA) executive manager Dr Norman Lamprecht’s annual Automotive Export Manual – the 2023 edition is the 17th – is a comprehensive picture, not just of the SA motor industry’s exports, but of its structure, health, plans and predictions.The leather compone ...moreSLTC: On HoldThe Southern African Section of the Society of Leather Technicians & Chemists is currently not operating, treasurer Warren Phipps has confirmed. “We approached the mother body of SLTC to help pay someone locally to help bring in the membership fees for them (SLTC - British section), which they declined, and the SA section could ...moreDialdehyde starch, a sustainable, environment-friendly tanning chemicalThis is part of a series contributed by the International School of Tanning Technology (ISTT) in Grahamstown, E. Cape, SA, summarising complicated research papers into short articles more readily comprehensible to a wider audience. ...more© S&V Publications