Leather Industry Articles
- Sam Setter's 'Pills': For readers who need some wry medicinal humour" HilariousThe industrial promotion section of the Rwandan Ministry of Trade and Industry has announced that the country intends to develop a tannery park in the Bugesera special economic zone near the border with Burundi. When one talks about a tannery park, one imagines a minimum of a dozen tanneries, and another dozen shoe and lea ...moreRetail attitudes to leather: A mixed pictureCarletonville, Gauteng, SA – Mohammed Laher, sole proprietor of 6-store mini-chain Textile Wholesalers, said leather remained a priority for his customers.He said formal footwear – which is all leather – was “a much smaller category than before”, but that “the better end of casual footwear is predominan ...moreIULTCS Young Leather Scientist Grant Programme 2025 announcedThe IULTCS Young Scientist Grant Programme for 2025 is underway. The details follow and further information can be found on the IULTCS website https://iultcs.org/ or by contacting the IUR chair, Dr Volker Rabe (Volker.rabe@tfl.com).Background:The IULTCS is committed to co-operation between the individual member societies and to providing ...moreOstrich: ‘Stable to positive’ – the good days continueMossel Bay, W. Cape, SA – We are now nearly 5 years down the line, since the KKI and Mosstrich/SCOT merger. The new name Cape Karoo International (CKI) is now well known among all international and local buyers of ostrich leather. Our clients across the globe also have switched now to “CKI” as the new brand, understandin ...moreJob CardsJob cards – are these bureaucratic pieces of paperwork worth anything? The tracking of work, quality control indicators, dates and timing, and non-conformance can be tagged onto this tool and production control and monitoring can be greatly enhanced. The job card can be historical and diagnostic.Can a tannery run production without ...moreThe Benefits of Working with SLF…Recent articles that we have written for S&V have focussed in on specific topics, for example greenwashing, or having an industry voice. This month we’re taking the opportunity to remind readers about the work that SLF does to support the leather industry across many interlocking areas to provide value for organisations. ...moreCelebrity panel to judge ‘Real Leather’ competitionWashington, DC, U.S. (16 August 2024) – The promotional blog Real Leather. Stay Different. (RLSD), funded by the Leather & Hide Council of America (LHCA) to promote U.S. leather internationally, organises an annual international student design competition. It has issued the following release: ...moreEleGrade: High-end leather upgrading solutionsWaalwijk, the Netherlands (12 August 2024) – Stahl, a leading provider of speciality coatings and treatments for flexible substrates, has recently extended its EleGrade® portfolio of high-end leather upgrading solutions for a wide range of industries and end markets.Leather upgrading solutions are key to maximisin ...moreSam Setter's 'Pills': For readers who need some wry medicinal humour" You can’t help those who don’t help themselvesThe International Trade Centre in Geneva spent a large amount of money in order to analyse the leather value chain in Mongolia. An extensive value chain study was made from the raising of the animals up to the finished product. The ITC presented a strategy proposal to the Go ...morePoor market for sheepskins, hides steadyDialogue with Cape Produce Co. MD Greg FeinbergAre there any issues with sheepskins in terms of quality and availability?Quality and availability are both relatively steady (based on the usual seasonal variations). The primary issues on both lines are market related (demand vs supply) with both Merinos and Dorpers experiencing unpreceden ...more© S&V Publications