Footwear Industry Articles
- Grasshoppers Trooper, first school shoe in South Africa to acquire the prestigious Banzi Feet Gold CertificationThe journey of BanziFeet began in 2015 with research to compare the foot measurements of German and South African children and adolescents. Research revealed significant differences in foot shape and size between the 2 groups. It also found that 91% of South African participants grew up habitually barefoot, and 67% of their school shoes w ...moreTimberland returns to India after exiting in 2015Initial Exit and Market StrugglesAccording to Livemint, Timberland, famous for its hiking boots and outdoor gear, withdrew from the Indian market in 2015 after struggling to establish a foothold. The primary reason for its exit was fierce competition from Woodland, a Canadian-founded footwear brand that entered India in 1992 and domi ...moreOh Sole: Handmade with a machine finish – and no stinting on componentsPretoria, Gauteng, SA – Yes, they’re both arty, but there’s almost no connection between cutting hair and cutting patterns. So for Conrad Kalp, who started his working life as a hair stylist, fashion, specifically fashion footwear, was a strong enough calling to start studying all over again to enter an entirely new care ...more
Leather Industry Articles
- Groenewald returns to OPSAOudtshoorn, W. Cape, SA – Newald Groenewald rejoined Ostrich Products SA (OPSA) in September as tannery manager.He started at the then Klein Karoo International in 1991 before joining OPSA as tannery manager in 2015. He joined Le Croc as tannery manager in 2021, and left there earlier this year. ...moreTRACEABILITY IN AFRICAAfrica, specifically South Africa, leads the world in the traceability of leather, especially crocodilian and ostrich leather. Created decades ago, the trace and tracking system adapted for the high value exotic skins was implemented to prevent skin theft, and to monitor the value of skins (to enable the final payment to co-operative farm ...moreSlavesPublicity has always been a very important trade tool and its use to sell products goes back ‘ages’. The use of publicity is becoming more and more important as people, the consumers, are not thinking anymore with their own heads, but follow what others, so-called self-promoted influencers, tell them how to behave, how to dres ...more
PPE Industry Articles
- Offshore wind energy: Mobile test platform for offshore wind turbinesBremerhaven, Germany (02 September 2024) – Public power grids are highly complex systems. Wind turbine manufacturers have to comply with technical guidelines when connecting new turbines to avoid putting grid stability at risk. In the Mobil-Grid-CoP project, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES have d ...moreMBA North members place in top 4 of every category in MBSA National Safety Competition – againMaster Builders Association North (MBA North) members have continued their multi-year winning streak by being placed in the top four of every category in the 2024 Master Builders South Africa (MBSA) National Safety Competition (NSC) – the flagship event for health and safety in the building industry.Gerhard Roets, Health and Safety ...moreAutomatic image recognition to identify types of wood: Harnessing AI to fight global deforestationKaiserslautern, Germany (02 September 2024) – The new European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is intended to prevent goods marketed in the EU from contributing to the spread of deforestation. When a wood product is brought into the EU market, for example, there must be documentation of which types of wood were used to produce it, a ...more
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