S&V Protect Magazine Vol11 No2 Second Quarter 2017
The only SA magazine aimed exclusively at the PPE end user.
This Magazine is sponsored by SAFLIA
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In what is likely to be the first in a series of expansions outside footwear, BBF Safety Group has acquired safety services company Pinnacle OSH Holdings. The National Regulator for Compulsory Standards has now issued approval numbers for 44 styles, including some from leading suppliers - but there's a very long way to go.
Flame Retardant Workwear Feature
Exploring the technical aspects of this vital category of workwear.
- An overview of flame retardant workwear by Roland Singh of Wing Safety Manufacturers.
- Nomex, a fabric for the most extreme heat environments, submitted by DuPont.
- Inherently flame and arc-resistant woven fabrics, by Janice Coetzee of Gelvenor Textiles.
- Flame retardant workwear testing, submitted by Acti-Chem SA.
Working at Height
Dylan Sutherland of Protekta Safety Africa says the Grenfell Towers disaster illustrates the need for site specific risk assessment.
New Products & Services
- BBF Safety Group: New Lemaitre styles Maximus and Spartacus expand general purpose safety footwear range.
- ProFit Safety Footwear: Much more than a facelift for Parson.
- DuPont Sustainable Solutions: 40 'microlearning courses' cover wide range of safety issues.
Buyers' Guide
We've brought back this popular section.
- BBF Safety Group
- Claw Boot
- ProFit
- Protekta Safety Africa
- Rebel SafetyGear
Advertisers in this Issue
Act-Chem SA (7), BBF Safety/Lemaitre (OFC), Claw Boot (4), Neptun Boot (6), Palm Footwear/Terrapod (8), ProFit Safety Footwear (17), Protekta Safety Africa (10), Rebel SafetyGear (2), Wing Safety Manufacturers (8).
Footwear Industry Articles
- Can reduced VAT revitalize France’s shoe repair craft?The French parliament has recently reduced VAT on repairs for shoes, leather goods, textiles, and bicycles from 20% to 5.5%, a move expected to support sustainability, local artisans, and potentially revitalize a declining industry. This decision, reported by World Footwear on November 6, 2024, raises questions about its potenti ...moreSAFLIA: Hopefully the slide will be reversedDurban, KZN, SA – My forecast for 2024 is that production will be 12.5% down on last year. Meaning 41,690,000 pairs.The last time we saw such low volumes was in 2007.My forecast for next year is that production will be stabilised at the same level as this year – let’s say 42,000,000 pairs. However, with some serious inte ...more2025 FORECASTSBy common consent, 2024 has been a difficult year for almost all businesses, organisations, government departments and people in the SA leather value chain. The main exceptions would have been successful exporters, because the domestic market has been getting poorer year after year. The underlying reasons are mostly to do with the policie ...more
Leather Industry Articles
- A cost-effective method of reducing loose grain damage during the bating processIntroductionEnzymatic bating is an important part of the leather making process. Bating enzymes help remove unwanted skin components from the hide structure, as well as any scud present on the grain layer. Good bating leads to clean, soft leather. Under bating results in poor removal of unwanted skin components, and a firmer crust leather ...moreAgency company changesCape Town, W. Cape, SA – Gert Bosch and Arné Husselman left TST Agencies earlier this year.Bosch started Bosch Technical Services (Pty) Ltd (BTS), which began trading on 01 March, servicing the tanning industry. He represents a number of principals including some formerly represented by TST.Husselman has left the industry and ...moreHide demand steady amid growing global supply, gelatine plants absorbing higher number of lower gradesThe picture I get of the leather industry globally is that it is losing share in all its markets for a variety of reasons. In South Africa, the situation is compounded by cash-strapped consumers choosing cheaper alternatives. Cape Produce Company is at the beginning of the leather process, and it supplies all leather markets in SA and internationally. I asked CEO Benjy Lapiner if the picture is as bleak as I’m told. No, he said, but… ...more
PPE Industry Articles
- Mastering contractor management for safety, business efficiency and growth in the mining industryJohannesburg, Gauteng, SA (13 November 2024) – The mining industry operates in a complex and demanding environment characterised by rapid technological advancements, stringent safety regulations, and escalating cost pressures. To compete in this context successfully, mining executives must prioritise operational efficiency, cost-eff ...moreThe Fire and Life Safety Blame Game!SFA: EMS Conference 10/24Leighton Bennett (BSc, MDP dip, Pr.CHSA, AIRMSA, GradSaiosh, .M.ACHASM, Former FIOSM)Safety First Association - Chairperson SHE and Risk Management ConsultantOverview• Fire and life safety aspects introduction • Owner / Lessor / Employer Fire and Life Safety Responsibilities • Meaning of life safety ...moreOffshore wind energy: Mobile test platform for offshore wind turbinesBremerhaven, Germany (02 September 2024) – Public power grids are highly complex systems. Wind turbine manufacturers have to comply with technical guidelines when connecting new turbines to avoid putting grid stability at risk. In the Mobil-Grid-CoP project, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES have d ...more