S&V Footwear & Leather Goods Magazine Vol82 No7 July 2019
This Magazine is sponsored by SAFLIA
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Business Barometer
- Grant Jelinski, Everflex Manufacturing: It's about surviving.
- Reshma Govender, Evolution/Ezweni: Pick up over last 2 months.
- Berrick Salmond, NR Footwear: Business going well.
- Doc Motala, Crown Group: The pick-up has started.
- Hashim Ismail, Crossover: Be different.
- Rajeev 'Rocky' Kumar, Vision Sports: Brand loyalty the one advantage.
- Vikesh Vanzara, Vanzara Bros.: Many challenges.
- Alec Hogg, Bruce Whitfield and JP Landman: Outside observers say government changes ARE making a difference.
- But Zimbabwe remains a basket case, according to The Economist.
The Story Behind The Brand
- Grasshoppers: 51, famous and fighting fit.
- Activate your brand online, writes Colleen Chappe of Azula Collective.
- Noel Whitehead: Taking some positives from a tough year.
- Jirka Vymetal: Engaging with others to improve life for all.
- Monique Schoombie: How ready are you for the fourth industrial revolution?
- Sew Solutions opens new premises.
- Samuel Windsor: UK brand seeks SA retail base.
- Fashion retail is upping the trend for faster funding.
- Athletic footwear and activewear's performance in the first half of 2019.
- The next generation of trends.
Notice Board
- Obituary: Cassim Shaikh: A gentle man, but a deceptive bowler.
- Life after Bata/Futura.
Advertisers in this Issue
Activate (13), Chillisource (9), Creative Leathergoods Manufacturers (6), Europa Art (5), Foot Focus (OFC, 2), Kaytex Belts (4), Mossop Leather (3), Strassberger's (8).
Footwear Industry Articles
- How Asics expansion in non-metro India supports local growth and echoes BRICS aspirationsJapanese sportswear brand Asics is making notable progress in expanding into India’s Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities to meet the rising demand for athleisure outside major metro areas. According to Economic Times, by the end of 2024, Asics plans to operate 120 stores across the country, driven by a surge in e-commerce sales from non-m ...moreAI is putting an end to counterfeit sneakersOsmo’s AI-powered scent authentication machine in action, revolutionizing the fight against counterfeit sneakers by detecting unique chemical profiles with remarkable precision.As the sneaker resale market continues to boom, counterfeit goods remain a persistent concern for both luxury and mass-market brands. Counterfeiters have bec ...moreSAFLIA: Hopefully the slide will be reversedDurban, KZN, SA – My forecast for 2024 is that production will be 12.5% down on last year. Meaning 41,690,000 pairs.The last time we saw such low volumes was in 2007.My forecast for next year is that production will be stabilised at the same level as this year – let’s say 42,000,000 pairs. However, with some serious inte ...more
Leather Industry Articles
- Agency company changesCape Town, W. Cape, SA – Gert Bosch and Arné Husselman left TST Agencies earlier this year.Bosch started Bosch Technical Services (Pty) Ltd (BTS), which began trading on 01 March, servicing the tanning industry. He represents a number of principals including some formerly represented by TST.Husselman has left the industry and ...moreHide demand steady amid growing global supply, gelatine plants absorbing higher number of lower gradesThe picture I get of the leather industry globally is that it is losing share in all its markets for a variety of reasons. In South Africa, the situation is compounded by cash-strapped consumers choosing cheaper alternatives. Cape Produce Company is at the beginning of the leather process, and it supplies all leather markets in SA and internationally. I asked CEO Benjy Lapiner if the picture is as bleak as I’m told. No, he said, but… ...moreLULUC: Explaining the link between deforestation and the leather industryLand use and land use change (LULUC) refers to the study area in general – that is the study of how global land use change (commonly through human intervention) results in increased atmospheric emissions. The obvious emission is that if the forest is burnt, the emissions are directly released into the atmosphere. However, the change ...more
PPE Industry Articles
- Test methods for breathability of infant products focus of new subcommitteeSubcommittee F15.12 aims to fill the gap on breathing hazards for infant products W. Conshohocken, Pa., U.S. (26 September 2024) – ASTM’s consumer products committee (F15) has begun a new subcommittee on Firmness and Breathability of Juvenile Products (F15.12) on infant breathability test methods. The subcommitt ...moreCircular economy: Fungal mycelium as the basis for sustainable productsPotsdam, Germany (02 September 2024) – Fungi have more to offer than meets the eye. Their thread-like cells, which grow extensively and out of sight underground like a network of roots, offer huge potential for producing sustainable, biodegradable materials. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP in ...moreAI solution shows truck drivers where to parkBerlin, Germany (02 September 2024) – Parking spaces are in short supply at rest stops along Germany’s highways. Truck drivers are required by law to observe certain rest periods, so when they cannot find parking, they often simply park off to the side of an entrance or exit or on the shoulder, all of which are very ...more