Publisher of leading trade magazines for the Footwear, Leather-goods, Leather & PPE industries

S&V Weekly Newsletter Vol.5 No.2, Jan 14, 2019

This Newsletter is sponsored by SAFLIA


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Retail last week

On Saturday, comment from 5 independents
Di Bosman, proprietor, 2 Di 4, Hillcrest and Drakensberg. Independent specialising in women's and girls' clothing, handbags and footwear. - "Terrible in Hillcrest, better in the Drakensberg, but I haven't bothered to compare with last year's figures. I've been more-or-less out of footwear for a while, but I'm looking to get back into some leather shoes."

Mohseen Daya, buying director, A&E Hyperworld, Trichardt. Independent department store, including mostly synthetic men's and women's branded footwear. - "In general, things have slowed down since the beginning of the month, but this is normally the quiet week, and I think things are a regular as they can be."

Fairoze Moola, proprietor, A-Zee Baby's World, Johannesburg. Infants' and babies' goods specialist, including footwear. - "OK - nothing great, but OK."

Ebrahim Seedat, director, ABC Stores, Alberton. School uniform specialist. "It's been very good."

Zubir Dawood, member, Abram's Store, Johannesburg. Men's and boys' formal suiting specialist, with accessories. "It's been a little bit quiet since schools opened. That's normal at this time of year, and it starts picking up again nearer the holidays."



Positive foot-and-mouth disease results in the Vhembe district of Limpopo

Pretoria (SA), January 8 – The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) has been informed today, of positive laboratory results for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in cattle in the Vhembe District of Limpopo. Samples were collected during a disease investigation after reports of cattle with lameness were received. The positive location is just outside the FMD Control Zone in the Free Zone without vaccination.
       A team of experts from the Department and the Limpopo Veterinary Services is on the ground conducting further investigations to verify the results and determine the extent of the outbreak.  The control measures will be determined by the findings of this investigation.
       The matter has been reported to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) on Monday (7 January 2019). As a result of this development, the official OIE recognised FMD-free status of South Africa is temporarily suspended.  Consequently, any exports where FMD free zone attestation is required, cannot be certified.
         FMD is a severe, highly contagious viral disease which affects livestock with significant economic impact. The disease affects cattle, pigs (domestic and wild), sheep, goats, and other cloven hoofed animals. The disease does not affect human beings. Signs of disease may include depressed animals, sores in the mouth of animals causing reluctance to eat and lameness. Any suspected case of the disease in animals must be reported to the local State Veterinarian immediately.
         The affected area is under quarantine and no movement of animals and animal products are allowed. Farmers further away from the outbreak are cautioned to observe bio-security measures – not to allow any new animals into their herds, and to minimise the movement of their own herds to other farms. - Khaye Nkwanyana, Media Liaison Officer,, 083 952 9723



They Said It

"I don’t know if my wife would have too many positive things to say about me. She has lived with me for too long. Debbie probably won’t have too many positive things to say either. I am sure she feels she has worked with me for too long." - Dr Clive Jackson-Moss of the International School of Tanning Technology in Grahamstown. On the other hand, I think you're wonderful, Clive.


Reminder S&V Directory - are you up to date?

This week really is your LAST CHANCE to ensure that your entry in the S&V Directory is correct. PLEASE ensure that your details are correct. We contact every business on our database by email, and many by phone, but we rely on you to respond. Email your information to


2019 Trade Fairs Another essential service from S&V

Please note that we have put a list of the 2019 trade fairs and conferences on our website, linked to their websites:


Exchange rates


  Euro € GBP £ US $ CNY ¥
05/01/2019 R15.94 R17.79 R13.99 R2.03
12/01/2019 R15.86 R17.76 R13.83 R2.04
Note: For previous rates, see HERE




14/01/19??: Sylvia De Gouveia, Fashion Centre, Kroonstad.
14/01/1947: Billy Robinson, retired, formerly Billy Bob Trading [closed], Durban.
14/01/1960: Yusuf Tikly, Legends, Zeerust.
15/01/19??: Vimal Ambaram, JFK Trading, Durban.
17/01/1949: Carol Mentor, retired, formerly NULAW, Cape Town
17/01/1961: Gita Chetty, Angelai’s, Durban.
18/01/1977: Guy Millar, Rags on Trend, Midrand.
19/01/1960: Saleem Khamissa, His Place, Port Shepstone.


In Memoriam this week

14/01/2004: Louis Nossel (b. 01/12/1931), Dolltown Shoes [closed], Pinetown.
14/01/2017: Donald Taisekwa Mandirahwe (b. 29/09/1942), Cathula Sandals, Harare.
16/01/2000: Brenda Fairhead, Fairhead’s [closed], Cape Town.
16/01/2004: Derek Funnell (b. 07/10/1938), Carl Freudenberg/DB Funnell Leathers, Cape Town.
17/01/2012: Graham Pearson (b. 16/01/1929), Apeco, Pinetown.
18/01/2002: Frank Mellon (b. 04/02/1930), Valmell Components, Durban.
19/01/????: Thomas Anthony (Tony) O’Sullivan (b.08/06/1928), Vogue Shoes and others [closed], Cape Town.

Have you let us know about your birthday, or the birthdays of your colleagues? Our readers love this section, so please become part of it. This also applies to the In Memoriam section. Help us remember former colleagues.


ABSA Agri Trends: Hides & skins prices

Note: We have not had prices so far this year. For previous prices, see HERE


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Contact us

News & Classifieds: Tony Dickson, +27 (0)31 209 7505,

Next newsletter: January 21, 2019.

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