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Search Tag: IULTCS
- IULTCS Young Leather Scientist Grant Programme 2025 announcedThe IULTCS Young Scientist Grant Programme for 2025 is underway. The details follow and further information can be found on the IULTCS website https://iultcs.org/ or by contacting the IUR chair, Dr Volker Rabe (Volker.rabe@tfl.com).Background:The IULTCS is committed to co-operation between the individual member societies and to providing ...moreIULTCS announces the appointment of four new Commission ChairsEach Chairperson was selected due to their dedication, leadership, and vision for the IULTCS organization, these attributes stood out during the election process, and the officers are confident that each one will excel in their new role.As Commission Chairs, they will play a crucial part in shaping the future initiatives, fostering collab ...moreFinding our industry voice…In the last week no less than three companies have spoken with SLF about the lack of industry cohesiveness when it comes to external representation. Complaints that our existing support organisations are not doing enough to ensure the industry’s opinions and concerns at inter-governmental level are regularly heard. ...moreThe debate – and heat – over the closure of ICLT needs to end, and there are ways forwardIn a fascinating 3-way Teams discussion (4, but I was just an observer) last month between SATRA’s Dr Christine Anscombe, the ISTT’s Dr Clive Jackson-Moss and Authenticae’s Karl Flowers, the likely future of training in the tanning industry in Europe, and in countries which traditionally sent students to Europe, took som ...moreNew IULTCS vice presidentNorthampton, UK (06 November 2023) – Geoff Holmes has been elected as the vice president of the International Union of Leather Technologists & Chemists (IULTCS) with effect from January 2024.He has a long history in the leather industry, having studied Leather Technology at the Leathersellers College at the University of Northam ...moreCancellation of virtual portal in 2023 IULTCS CongressWe have received the following communication from the organizers of the forthcoming IULTCS Congress in Chengdu.The Organizing Committee of the 37th International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies (IULTCS) Congress is announcing, with sincere consideration, the cancellation of the virtual portal of the IULTCS Congress i ...moreHeidemann lecture presenter namedThe XXXVII IULTCS Congress Organizing Committee is extremely pleased to announce that Professor Yujia Xu will be the Heidemann Lecture Presenter at the XXXVII IULTCS Congress.The Heidemann Lecture is a keynote presentation that is held in memory of Professor Dr. Eckhardt Heidemann (1925-1999). He made significant practical contributions t ...moreTravel advice for anyone attending IULTCS CongressThe XXXVII IULTCS Congress in Chengdu, China, from 17 to 20 October 2023 (https://iultcs.org/events/future/) is fast approaching, and the committee members are aware than many people will be considering if they will be attending this important event. There is no doubt that the event will be very rewarding to anyone who can participate at ...moreChange at IULTCSI would like to take this opportunity to inform you of a recent change at IULTCS. The International Union of Liaison and Communication Commission (IUL) Chairman, Dr Christine Anscombe, after many years of dedicated service to the Society, has decided to take a step back from the role. The IULTCS committee has appointed me, Julian Osgood, ...moreUNIDO safety course for leather industryCreating safe and sustainable supply chains for leather workers: UNIDO launches new Occupational Safety and Health course targeting the leather manufacturing sector. Acting together to build a positive safety and health culture – a safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right at work. ...moreChimica Vermar is silver sponsor of the III Eurocongress IULTCS 2022Chimica Vemar is the Silver Sponsor of the III IULTCS Eurocongress Vicenza 2022 in September. The company has supplied high quality chemical products, with a range of over 2000 products, inclusive of all stages of leather tanning, for over 30 years. ...moreRevomec is platinum sponsor of the III Eurocongress IULTCS 2022Milling drum manufacturer Revomec is the platinum sponsor company of the III IULTCS EuroCongress Vicenza 2022, to be held from 18-20 September 2022. ...moreIULTCS announces two new Testing Commission convenorsKettering, UK (February 21,2021) - At the recent virtual meeting of the IULTCS leather test method commissions, 2 of the 3 convenors were replaced -The IUP (Physical) and IUF (Fastness) Commissions have new convenors: Jacqueline Glasspool was appointed as the new convenor of the IUP Commission (and also of the Working Group 2 (WG2) o ...moreWinners of 2021 IUR research grants announcedKettering, UK (February 22, 2021) - The executive committee of the IULTCS is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 IUR research grants to be awarded to 2 young scientists, under the age of 35. The monetary awards help support the work of young talent in the leather sector. This is the seventh year of the grants which have been gener ...more© S&V Publications