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Search Tag: Romano Marmeggi
- Alfonso Smerilli of Make My Shoes Store Lab and Smerilli Design Manufacturing - Direct-to-consumer AND supplying mini-chains with European quality footwearAlfonso Smerilli has had a long and varied career in the South African footwear industry and now, just shy of his 52nd birthday, and in a sector which is mostly struggling, he’s embarked on his most challenging role yet – as a factory owner, blazing a different trail.His start in the footwear industry was with a factory owned ...more
- Rolfes
- Rolfes Chemicals
- Rolland Eboru
- Romano Marmeggi
- Romano Shoes
- Rona Bekker
- Ronald Mutabi Byarugaba
- Ronald Sassoon
- Ron MacNiven
- Roshelle Pillay
- Rosslyn Tannery
- Ross Zondagh
- Rosy Wang
- Rowan Allison
- Rowdy Bags
- Royal Adhesive Industries cc
- Royal Adhesives
- Ruaan Breedt
- Ruan Janse Van Rensburg
- Rudie Nieuwoudt
- Rudolf Hanni
- Russell Addinall
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