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Search Tag: Ronald Sassoon
- Despite everything, suppliers hope Edcon will surviveEdcon, once the biggest fashion retailer in SA, went into business rescue at the end of April. CEO Grant Pattison, in charge for the past 2 years, blamed the lockdown as the final straw in the long slide which began in 2007 when it was acquired by US private equity firm Bain Capital for a - with hindsight - unsustainable R25 billion and d ...more
- Rolfes
- Rolfes Chemicals
- Rolland Eboru
- Romano Marmeggi
- Romano Shoes
- Rona Bekker
- Ronald Mutabi Byarugaba
- Ronald Sassoon
- Ron MacNiven
- Roshelle Pillay
- Rosslyn Tannery
- Ross Zondagh
- Rosy Wang
- Rowan Allison
- Rowdy Bags
- Royal Adhesive Industries cc
- Royal Adhesives
- Ruaan Breedt
- Ruan Janse Van Rensburg
- Rudie Nieuwoudt
- Rudolf Hanni
- Russell Addinall
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